Traditionen der Ehe- und Verlobungsringe im DACH Raum

Wedding rings and engagement rings have been a symbol of love and commitment between two people for centuries. In the DACH region, the region that includes Germany, Austria and Switzerland, there are many traditions surrounding the use of wedding rings and engagement rings. In this article we will take a closer look at these traditions.

In many cultures in the DACH region there is a tradition of wearing engagement rings. These rings are usually given by one partner to the other as a sign of love. Engagement rings can be made of different materials, including gold, silver or platinum. However, it is common for the engagement ring to be set with a diamond, cubic zirconia or other precious stone. This gemstone is often seen as a symbol of love and imperishability.

Nach der Verlobung werden in vielen Kulturen im DACH-Raum Eheringe ausgetauscht. Eheringe sind normalerweise einfacher als Verlobungsringe und bestehen häufig aus einer glatten Metallband. Es ist jedoch üblich, dass die Eheringe aus demselben Material wie der Verlobungsring hergestellt werden. Eheringe können auch mit Gravuren oder anderen Verzierungen personalisiert werden, um die Bindung zwischen den Ehepartnern zu symbolisieren. Diese Ringe sollen ewig halten, gleich wie deren Beziehung. Studien und Tests haben bewiesen, dass als Verlobungsring und Ehering, die Materialien 925 Sterling Silber und Gelbgold, am besten geeignet sind, je nachdem welche Farbe einem am besten passt. Weissgold ist eher ungeeignet, da es nicht kratzfest ist.


In Germany and Austria it is customary to wear the engagement ring on the left ring finger. However, when the couple marries, the engagement ring is usually moved to the right hand and replaced by the wedding ring, which is worn on the left ring finger. In Switzerland, on the other hand, the engagement ring is usually worn on the right hand and then moved to the left hand after the wedding.

There are also some cultural differences in the DACH region in how wedding rings and engagement rings are worn. In some regions in the DACH area, it is also common for wedding rings to be connected by a bow or a ribbon to symbolise the close bond between the spouses.

Overall, wedding rings and engagement rings are an important symbol of love and affection between two people in the DACH region. There are many traditions around wearing wedding rings and engagement rings, which can vary from region to region. However, one thing is certain: wedding rings and engagement rings will always remain an important part of wedding traditions in the DACH region.